
Vail, a brief vacation

We made it up to Vail again a few weeks ago for another sprint vacation...pack as much into 48 hours as humanly possible. Fred, trying to be patient while we played.
QQ and daddy sharing a sushi picnic. QQ is dressed 100% in W@lmart, thanks to the fact that we forgot the bag containing all her clothes and shoes.
Beatiful highcountry evening light.
Vail has the best flowerbeds.
Prepping for a coveted swim.
Practicing with daddy.
QQ makes a new set of friends everywhere she goes. On this occasion, it was a family of darling siblings on their annual vacation from Nebraska.
These kids played with QQ (despite the rather large age difference). They coached her. They catered to her. They fed her crackers. They played ball endlessly with her. They coddled her and cooed over her and looked out for her. They were pretty much the sweetest, most solicitous, most well-behaved siblings I've ever met...and we told their parents so when we finally met them after two days of playing together.
Their parents, in turn, told us that QQ was now a full-on celebrity in their household, and that their kids had talked of nothing but Qiu for the past two days.
(And yes, QQ is doing a crackerjack job of tossing the beach ball to her new friends in this shot. The kid has an arm on her.)
I will miss those kids. I already miss them. I hope we meet them again next summer.


D'lovely, d'lightful, d'licious

This is 10% getting sleepy before her nap, 90% flirting with mommy.


Lakeside in June

Back when my mum was here, she, QQ and I took an afternoon stroll through our gorgeous neighborhoood...
...winding up at the ever-surreal, strange and delightful Lakeside Amusement Park.
I've posted about Lakeside before, but I can't resist stopping it at least once a summer, partly to make sure it hasn't vanished like the mirage it appears to be, and partly to give my camera another chance at its fading facade, its chipped and ragged glory, its vintage carnival delights.



Silver Plume

Erstwhile silver mining town, now one of Colorado's beautiful "living ghost towns".