
Photos from friends and family

It's past time for me to post a few photos that have been sent to me recently by friends and family. So, without further preamble...

My friend Lara in Vail sends this gorgeous photo of her daughter Tegan playing at the Colorado National Monument. Makes me yearn for redrocks country!

And...I am WAAAAY behind on this one (but I thought they could use some privacy for the first few weeks) we recently welcomed a new little girl in the family! Announcing Holland, who was born just about the same time we were meeting Flynn QiuQiu in China! Here she is with her big sister Isacah (who has a lot of hair all of a sudden!)

Holland debuting her huge blue eyes!

Holland's siblings, Harrison and Isacah.

I love this shot of Isacah running around in the Speed Racer helmet we sent for Harrison's birthday. Priceless!

From my mum in Woodstock comes this picture of the stunning turban squash she grew in her garden. Puts our gourds to shame!

And finally, Carrie sent me this gorgeous photo she took of her son, Andrew. Look at those eyelashes! Such a sweet picture.


Yoli said...

Oh my goodness! I am in beauty overload! Those are beautiful shots. The eyelashes are to die for.

Vivian M said...

Aw, the cuteness factor gets me every time.