First blizzard of the year, DUMPING snow in Denver today!!

An early stroll through the neighborhood, before daddy headed in to work.

We stopped in to the local Italian joint for a takeout spaghetti, warm bread and butter, and vinaigrette salad. Seemed like the thing to do. Someone who had a similar idea was sipping a glass of wine while waiting for her order, which made me smile. Such a lovely way to celebrate a snowy afternoon!

ps - a lot of people have commented on the joy that comes from our photos, and I just wanted to say - this is no illusion. Amazingly, mysteriously, through some great alchemy of life, this is the joy that threads itself through our daily lives. We have lead good lives, M. and I both. We've had our ups and downs and our learning experiences before we met, but all in all we are fortunate people. And I think that even Q's early months were not so bad, in spite of the rather harsh hand that life dealt her at the very start. Her caretakers seem to have done well by her, if her open, happy, trusting personality is any indication. But I think it's safe to say that, for all three of us, these right now are the golden days. This is the height of our existence so far in this world - the little life we have built for ourselves. Joy has never shone so bright.
What a beautiful snowy day...wonderful photos. I love QQ in that hat. Your photos definitely do project the joy that you three must share and also a sense of calm and peacefulness.
Gin =)
Beautiful pics! I must say I am a BIT jealous .....(just a BIT because I am still loving the last glimpse of our warm weather!!) of the snow and the fun that comes with it!
Your posts are always so playful and positive!
Wow, Maia, what beautiful prose. It's delightful to witness your joy and contentment with life, and to also know of what you speak. We've certainly had our fair share of challenges--some where I lacked much-needed grace--but these girls! These amazing, resilient, take-our-breath-away 2 year olds (and ours are a mere 3 weeks apart). Blessings, Monica
These pictures are truly magical. What a spectacular day! You really have the gift of relishing the moment, Maia.
It's so wonderful that you are able to capture this precious time with QQ in such a tangible way... although I suspect you three will have many blessed years to come :)
To be there eating those warm little breads! Ah heaven! I love these pictures.
Yoli, if I could transport you here right now, I would!
The joy of your family and photos...priceless. I am actually jealous of the snow. We have had dreary, rainy days for weeks. I love those types of days, at times, but this is getting old. At least it makes for great snuggling time and potty training reinforcement.
You can see the joy and love outpouring in every pic and post.
Love the snowfall pics, the first of the season is so pretty, now ask me in February and that's a different story, LOL.
i second yoli~!
I often think about what you say in your Ps, as it applies to BB as well. I don't do it justice on my blog - I'm no photographer and don't have the way with words that you do. But something I've often thought of is that kids like these, maybe drew excellent care to themselves in the SWIs. BB was in a good one, but from everything I've seen (her adjustment to us and day care - all care givers) is that she is someone who draws people to her. She adapts quickly and easily. I think a lot of how well she has done/is doing is due to this trait. I wouldn't wish abandonment and orphanage life on anyone, but if it has to happen I would wish a personality that adapts like this and draws what/who they need to them. I hear that in your posts about QQ over and over.
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