I'm loving these bouts of spring that we're having, in between resurgences of winter. Today M had another day off and we took the bikes out for another big spin around town. This is the neighborhood called - appropriately - Sunnyside.

Buds getting ready to burst.

For all you Lost followers - a random little Dharma Initiative slogan on a rooftop.

I love when painted walls come together in a felicitous arrangement. This one makes me particularly happy!

More painted buildings.

M. crossing a bridge into Lodo.

We stopped for lunch by the confluence again, and, inevitably, I found me some ducks. Here's a happy couple that I was able to tempt close with some crumbs.

Diving for treats.

The smile on that ducky face makes it all worthwhile. Look at those orange feet! Orange feet make me happy.

While we managed not to come home with a rucksack full of spices this time, we did not entirely escape the lures of charming Denver merchants. This is Amato's of Denver, purveyors of fine garden statuary. We've been riding by Amato's for two years now, admiring their wares through the fence. This time, we wandered in.

M. inspecting the statuary.
The temptations are many and, uhm, heavy.

But what really attracted us? The lions. Lions seem to be a hallmark of Denver, adorning the front stoops of old Victorians, historical houses and Denver squares alike. These two particularly noble specimens guard the door of a building on Lodo's swishiest block. These are way out or our pricerange, and much too heavy to carry off ;)

But lions come in all shapes and sizes, all attituds and poses, and various different styles. Here is part of Amatos' stable of lions.

We poked and inspected, debated a few, but after two trips through the yards, there was one and only one that captured both of our hearts. He reminds me particularly of New York's fabled Library Lions, noble, protective and discriminating. This, then, is the lion that might be ours. We're considering. Stay tuned!
I say go for the statue...
Maia, you take such beautiful pictures!
You pictures make me want to visit Colorado again! I think that Buddha statue is QuanYin, the goddess of mercy. I've wanted a big one for years!
Oh I envy your day on your bikes! We had one of those here too yesterday but I was working and A. not home yet. Are those the Tibetian prayer flags on the one house? Very pretty! So are the painted buildings.
I love that first picture. What an inviting entry.
The lion is very handsome.
It dusted us with snow last night and today is starting out cold and grey, but I think the sun will melt the frost eventually!
Fun. You are making me love Denver.
I like orange feet too :) And that duck smile made my day.
great photos :)
i love that lion, too. as Z would say he has "coot paw paws"! She is a sucker for cute paws!
Would LOVE to hook up once miss f is home- we try to make it to denver and vail every summer.... we will see if it is in the cards! :-)
looks like susch a fun day! YOu are very talented at your photography.
The photos are fabulous as always. I am so glad that the two of you are having some "great escapes" before Flynn comes home. You will look back and treasure these times together.
how can I keep up with your site when I have been gone so long-love the pic's -missed seeing your site!
Although I cannot see the pictures on your blog (my parents have slooowwww dial up), I am still enjoying readong about all your adventures!
By the way, it is warm and muggy here in Florida.
Hi! First time poster. I live in Denver and I never knew the Dahrma Initiative has a branch here. Amazing!
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