This morning, we woke up to a refresher course on winter - cars and trees coated in ice. Not that I mind. We've had an unusually lovely winter, and last month's "false spring" was like a little gift from nature. You can smell spring in the air, even through the snow...topsoil thawing, grass beginning to grow, the thin skin of buds beginning to crackle and burst.
It isn't far off, and soon enough we'll be complaining of the heat. So no, I don't mind the transition periods. I'm kind of enjoying it!
Besides which, the town looked lovely in a thin spring coat of wet snow, and besides, I had a pleasant destination when I left the house this morning.
I was headed down to the Wash Park neighborhood to visit with my friend G, and her son, whom I had yet to meet in person.
G and her family are visiting from the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, and it's good to have her back in our neck of the woods for a bit!
This is her son, Gus! We spent the morning in a neighborhood coffeehouse on Pearl street and, like any good coffee house, the light was low and soothing. Great for chatting and relaxing of a snowy Monday morning...not so great for non-flash photography! Especially when you're trying to photograph a six-month-old who is, by definition, in constant motion.
G trying to hold him still for a half a second!
Gus is extraordinarily good-natured and easygoing baby. I've been around my share of babies in the past couple years, and I can tell you that not all of them can sit in a coffeehouse for over an hour without disturbing anyone or pitching a fit. That's a real talent!
Gus is a happy little guy. Not to mention, as you can see, quite the cutie patootie!
This was the stillest he was all morning. This lasted for about three minutes.
Outside Stella's on Pearl.
Mommy and Gus ready to head back out onto the wintery jogging path!
He is a cutie patootie and to be able to not pitch a fit for that length of time, now that's one sweet little man. ;)
Glad you could get together with your friend and meet Gus.
What a cutie pie!
Keep smilin!
Happy to get news of our dear friend. Thanks for sharing. Wish we could have been there.
What cute little baby!
yes for little Gus to stay in there that long truly means he is a special little guy as well as a cutie :)
Sounds like you had a great day... I came across this site and straight away thought of you... don't know why but thought I would pass it on...
Sounds like some yummy baby goodness, with a hint of girlfriend time. Love Stella's.
That wee one is darling! Such beautiful photography. You have a true gift...
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