Pippi Longstocking, my idol, and one of the inspirations behind my plunge into the world of the russet-tressed. How can you not love her? A strong, self-confident, indomitable, independent and free-thinking heroin with a keen sense of justice and a happy heart.

Not to mention innovative. Pippi is a problem-solver, a lover of life, and an adventurer.

But there have been many redheads who have inspired me in this life, and who are inspiring me still (Yoli, K2, Alana, Tamara...strong, individual and spirited women all!) Even my mother was a redhead for many years - although she has that Dutch skin that can support a true copper shade.

I love the scrappiness of the red-headed mystique too.
No, redheads haven't always been popular. But they have certainly come into their own. And those freckles that were once such a mark of shame? Yup, I always wanted to be covered in them. Sigh. Maybe in my next life.

Heck, even Venus was something of a redhead, at least according to Sandro Botticelli. But then, Botticelli did seem to have a weakness for redheaded women.

Ok, maybe a bit of a stretch...but I love this picture.
To be absolutely truthful, the change in the shade of my own tresses is very slight. Those first pictures were taken out of doors, and in the light of the setting sun to show up the color. Indoors (as you can see here) you'd barely notice. Just a subtle shift in the tone. But the thing is, the redhead is in my blood now. And my courage is up . Next time I'm going big...in honor of Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Efraim's Daughter Longstocking, my hero. And all the rest of you strong, freethinking redheads!
I love redheads, too. My mom was one, natural, until she had me. I was one, sort of, until the boys took my red along with my curls. I was also Pippi in a school play. I love her.
Go red! You could pull it off beautifully!
I love red heads too=Married one and have on sweet 2 1/2 year old that is a red head- I myself have a bit red in my hair but I always dye it so you can't see it very often-
Oh thank you! How sweet of you. I have to agree with you that we do have more fun. I have such a blast with my anime red. We are unforgettable.
The shade suits you daring girl. I think you have been a closeted red head for too long now. It is time to shine.
Can you believe I hadn't thought of Pippy in SO long I'd nearly forgotten her? God as a kid I practically worshiped her :O) Love your new look, subtle works on you...
I had a terrible dye incident last night and woke looking like bozo..lucky for me there is a loverly product called color oops that removed dye, now I am back to my normal reddish gold... yours, however is lovely and redheads rule! Natural redheads, likeme, being the child of 2 red headded parents are a dying species..
welcome to the red side
I too love it.
You rock red, beautiful lady.
I love the new blog, very sexy...
Dad was a redhead, but I was a strawberry blonde (did inherit the freckles though).
I think it looks very nice on you. Because it blends in and looks natural, subtle. Maybe next time you will get a little more daring and go for a bit more color?
As for Pippi...she and Orphan Annie were some of my favorite red heads growing up!
That's one of the colors I've been, and loved -- I'm sporting grey on top right now, trying to see how much I *really* have now that I'm almost 40!
You always look gret to me... and Pippi and I go waaaay back as well, b/c I have freckles and I sought out other girls with freckles when I was a kid!
I am catching up on my blogs tonight. Thanks! You wear it very well. I am actually a little lighter and brighter red for spring too, as of yesterday, which I've not done for maybe 3 years.
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