Our house is still evolving. I know that this is not the case for most married couples of our, ahem, generation, but for many years now we have lived like college students - complete with fruit crates for bookshelves and various mismatched linens inhabiting dusty corners. But coming to the Front Range, as I've said, has marked a transition for us. This is the first proper house that either of us has owned (peripatetics that we are) and we are trying to live up to it!
This past week, we added a rustic Japanese-style (via W*rld M@rket ;) cabinet and chest, thus eliminating our cheesy pre-fab cookbook shelving, and what I can only call a termite hill made out of bed linens that has been looming in the back corner of our bedroom for the past year.
Since I myself assembled all the original furniture when we moved in, Mike - who's on break from school this week - was generous enough to put together these two. (That's right, we assemble our own furniture. We have yet to graduate to the "handcrafted furniture" stage of our lives. But on the bright side, W*rld M@rket stocks some awfully nice "copies" these days, and with a little design savvy and some elbow grease you can put together a pretty cool house! If you like World style, that is. And we do.
This is our peaceful bedroom. The addition of the new linen chest has made it just about blissfully perfect! I love our bedroom. You just feel at rest as soon as you set foot in it. I'm planning on expanding on that cactus garden, which in the summer migrates outside to cluster around our koi "pond". Hey, it's almost koi season again! Maybe this year we can actually get them to survive the summer! There's always hope...
My home looks pathetic next to yours. Maybe you can start a second career as an interior decorator?
We're still in the college days...I love the linen chest idea. In a house with NO closets (gotta love NM, does anyone have closets here?) I am searching for a place for linens and towels. Yours is a lovely home.
Beautiful!!! I love the colour of your bedroom -- DateBoy and I are looking for a house, so I'm trolling for decorating ideas -- your stuff is great!!
I've just spent about 30 minutes catching up on your blog. I love World Market. We have some shelves from there in our bedroom. Your room looks very comfy, but where is the Chumby?
Yeah, I know what you mean. Cactus is so soothing to touch. ha. Your bedroom is gorgeous and your photography is awesome!
I am ready to come stay at your house again!!! :) It is soooo peaceful there! AHHHHHH!
Love the blue. I am normally not a blue bedroom person, but that shade seems so calming. I think no matter how old we get we will always have guitars hung on the wall and at least two pieces of furniture from Ikea (in fact I ordered my new kitchen cabinets from them!). Embrace the eclectic.
Great job! I am a total home = haven girl but much prefer when the funishings fit the inhabitants. Yours def. looks like a place you'd live in I think. Love World Market for stuff too!
I am loving the new look... love the cactus garden... wanna come over my house now and redo that? Any style you want... maybe light and airy would be fine with me... take care
Just lovely.
Keep smilin!
It is beautiful and peaceful, I love all the artwork on the walls.
You baby those cactus like I baby my Gardenia. I remember one hurricane season, winds blowing and me clutching my potted gardenia up the steps to my house. My husband said that if I did that again in the middle of a hurricane he was going to lock me out.
Love that blue in the bedroom! Can you tell me what color it is? I have the same violet that's in our downstairs family room on one wall in our bedroom. I adore the color, but it's not exactly restful.
I love your style. I am the type of person who likes to drive neighborhoods at night so I can see in their windows. I'd want to drive past your house a lot.
I am diggin that blue, a sort of periwinkle. I need that in my life. Hmmm, maybe my laundry room. Love the wood floors too. Yummy!
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