Elizabeth, a fellow writer, sent me this wonderful adoption travel journal, along with the children's book she wrote, Lovebug. The journal went immediately in my suitcase, solving my journaling dilemma. I'm going to journal on the laptop in the evenings, of course, but as every writer knows, if you don't scribble notes during the course of a day (especially on a trip as distracting and action-packed as this one!) you have no hope of remembering all the details. I'll carry this one in my shoulder bag to write notes on-site. Mike also pointed out that we can paste memorabilia in it as we go. So it will be a sort of impromptu scrapbook of our trip.
Thanks, Elizabeth!
I think the adoption journal is a wonderful idea! I did not think of that, and there was so much I forgot to write about at the end of each exhausting, action packed day! If you don't have time to jot something down, take a picture of it, or have Mike film you talking about it. It might help jog your memory at the end of the day too.
You know, this may sound weird, but I love seeing your posts on your gifts, it's almost like attending a cyber baby shower and oohing and aahing over all the cute and wonderful presents!
Yes it to enjoy seeing people send things too-very neat!
I. Love. Your. Dress! You look simply devine...... I took an adoption journal with me and am so glad that I did.
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