It's different for everyone, but our time leading up to travel has been very serene. There have been no big snafus, no major panic attacks. It has been a lovely time, actually.
Part of what has kept us calm is our evening bike rides, which we've made a point of taking no matter how busy the day.
How can you feel stressed when it's summer and the birds are singing and the skies look like this?
Wow, that is one beautiful sky. You guys seem to be taking this all in stride, how wonderful! We were nervous wrecks.
and may your travel be just as serene!!!!
Someone wise once said to me (that would be Nic) that what we project from our interior is mirrored in our world. I think how things are playing out for you two is a testament to the kind of people that you both are.
Carry it with you to China and back. Give it to her... :O)
I cannot even describe in words how very excited I am for the 3 of you.
That is great that you are feeling so relaxed... that is what I am hoping it is like for me... calm... just patiently do my thing then leave... love the photos from your travels... got my lens today... ohhhhhh... I am in heaven... take care
I love that you guys are so together! Stay Zen, especially when you meet your daughter. It will really help her with the transition.
3 days to departure!!! You are golden, my friend. There is no reason you should not carry this serenity with you to Flynn day. I actually think it is a really good thing that you will get her alone without a mass of other families and babies surrounding you.
All my positive energy to you. Remember and excerpt from my favorite "poem"
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
No doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.
~ Max Ehrmann
I hope you feel my heart with you every step of the way- because it will be.
Enjoy this time as a family of two! Enjoy the rides and the chats...precious time to connect before the new blessing joins your family!
I am so glad your are calm!
Have a fantastic trip and a safe journey! We'll be thinking good thoughts for you and eagerly awaiting updates and pictures!
Oh my goodness you leave SOOOOON! Have a wonderful wonderful trip to mommy-hood and I will be anxiously following your travel site and looking forward to watching you become a mommy. Our first trip was nothing less than magical (puking and all...) and I wish the same and more for you guys. XO
You leave tomorrow!!! You must be so excited. I am in love with your town, I am going to have to move.
Congrats and safe travels!! This truly is a trip of a lifetime!! ENJOY!
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