Yesterday was M's day off. We love having early-week days off because we kind of have the city to ourselves. It rained all morning, which is a rare and lovely thing in this climate. We ran some errands, worked on the garden a bit, and took the dogs for a long walk. In the evening, we decided to hit our favorite Thai restaurant up for dinner and then go to see Mongol at the Aztec Theater, our local indie film house. I always get the same dish at this restaurant, spicy basil shrimp. It's SO good that I've never been able to change my order. In recent days, the intensity of our excitement over Flynn has been multiplying exponentially, and sitting down to dinner we were practically giddy with it. We shared a hot sake to celebrate our immanent trip. After stuffing ourselves as full as we could stand, we paid the check and opened our ubiquitous fortune cookies. I always eat my before reading the fortune, since my friend Carol always insisted that the fortune doesn't count otherwise. When I finally unfolded my fortune, a shiver ran up my back:


Treasure what you have.

In the afternoon, we'd put Sam in the crib, just to see someone in it. Sam was nonplussed, but game, since after all that sheepskin that Yoli sent is marvelously soft to sit on! I have to admit that every night before we go to bed, I lean over and lay my face against the crib bedding, and look up to see what it is QiuQiu will see as she's falling asleep or waking up. The poster of Barbar and his family taking flight over Egypt, the Tintin adventure in the mountains of Tibet, the map of China that I took from the French version of National Geo's China issue...

This is Sam's "Mommy, can I be done now?" look. He probaby would've stayed longer if he didn't know he was going to climb under the covers in our bed. Spoiled rotten, I'm afraid, our little pound dog.
Note: Just to reassure - we will lower the crib before QiuQiu comes home!! It is up high for the photos, because most of the bedding was gifted by various loving friends, and we wanted to show it off! Sorry for alarming anyone!
My sam was devastated when z came home. He had spent his entire life, with us, ( he is a rescue dog as well) sleeping next to me while i spooned him all night. Now z sleeps in that spot in our bed. He has reluctantly become her favorite and follows her every command.
love the hand knit "bish"- as z would say- i wish i had patience and talent for such things.
I think it is great that Sam gets to smell and see Flynn's things, we did the same with our mini schnauzer before Kerri came home.
I got a shiver when I saw your fortune too! It was meant to be.
Love the piggy wiggy! Def. shiver inducing fortunes!
Keep smilin!
Ooooh, great fortune!
Funny I was told of you don't pick your own fortune cookie it is not your fortune like if I hand one to my dh it would be his-you have to pick it from the pile on the table. I really don't know who told me that weird huh? So neat, I need to go back to our favorite place to see if I should go Boy or girl next time around~
um Maia, you need to put the crib down one more level, you have it on the infant level, I know you dont want to be doing that when you come home...just an FYI.
love the fortune.
isn't "giddy" great? wait til you are driving to meet her for the first time...your heart will be pounding out of your chest! it is so surreal...and yet so magnificent!
Oh that delicious Sam!!! He is too cute!!!The room is lovely Maia, she has an enchanting place to rest and dream.
I am so envious you got to see Mongol. As you know my daughter is a Mongol and I was dying to see the film. Unfortunately, they aren't playing it down here.
By the way Hayley is right, you have to lower that crib or you will have her getting out or falling out.
Just to reassure everyone: we will lower the crib to the appropriate age level before we leave. It's on the top notch right now just for the pictures, because a lot of the bedding was gifted (including the bumpers and the beautiful sheepskin) and I wanted the bedding to be visible in the pre-baby pictures!
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