Well, after a rather exhausting morning of phonecalls, waiting, more phonecalls, and more waiting, today turned out to be a wildly productive day!! Not only did I nail down the flights, adjust them a little to make them halfway affordable, and get them approved by the adoption agency and paid for, but Mike received the final case number from the final Visa office that we needed in our fingerprint chase, along with word that our prints have in fact be sent off to China!
And that's not all: in the midst of the rush, I had a long and fruitful phonecall from the coordinator of the cleft team at Rose Medical Center. We hit it off, and I feel that we have found exactly the right team for us. We talked at length about sign language, feeding issues, and Flynn's early care. After which I was able to call the head surgeon (who came highly recommended both by friends and by the speech therapist) and book an appointment for an initial consultation in mid-August! It feels like everything is finally coming together just right!
So...we are leaving on July 22nd for China!! This is a day earlier than we intended, which will give us a day to de-jetlag before setting out on our two days of tours. Our consulate appointment is set for August 4th, and we will return to the US on August 6th. We do not yet know the day that we will meet QiuQiu, since we're still waiting for our final in-country itinerary from the agency.
Our travel agent was both patient and prompt, and did a fantastic job of booking our flights. We have a nearly perfect itinerary, leaving at comfortable times of day, with comfortable intervals between flights. We have a short 11-hour return from Beijing to San Francisco, which makes me VERY happy! We're flying Air China for the international portion, and I hear it's lovely. So I am just excited and happy all around right now!
...oh, and this photo? I ordered a new Nikon lens for the trip. I could not afford the regular zoom lenses, so ended up getting the "budget" lens. It's supposed to be missing all the fancy stuff, but let me tell you..this lens rocks! My photos are twice as good as they were before. This photo was taken at the botanical garden. Doesn't it look like a painting? I have a lot more, which I'll post in the next few days...much to your dismay. I went a little nuts at the botanical gardens, I have to admit!
Yay! I hope M knows how to use your new lens and camera, since I have a feeling your arms and hands will be full once you have Flynn!
Can't wait to see your botanical pictures!
Wow - sounds like things are really coming together quickly!! That's so great...and it's amazing that you already have the medical team in place and that you're comfortable with them.
I am SO excited for you guys!! Now that you've got your travel plans all ironed out, you can focus on preparing for the trip of a LIFETIME! :)
Can't WAIT to follow your journey, we were in Nanjing in 2005 and LOVED it!! Be sure to pick up some of the dark pottery that Nanjing is famous for. We got a gorgeous tea set there for Isabelle :)
Glad to hear everything is falling into place for you.
Congrats on the new lens, can't wait to see lots of photos from China, can't wait to see Flynn with her Mommy and daddy. ;)
We are so excited for you!!
Happy 4th of July!!
Not long to go now... that is great that you were able to get alot of stuff done... remind me I need pointers that I know who to call... hehehehe... I am with Vivian... hope Mike knows what he is doing with the camera... hehehe... take care and happy 4th
I can't wait to follow your journey. Are you even going to be journaling your trip while in China? I hope so.
The 22nd is going to be here before you know it. I am getting excited for you!!
So happy for you and a quick question. If you were new to taking pictures but wanted to start learning to take nice pictures what camera would you buy?
Congratulations on booking the flights and on your new lens!!! I am sure you going to take wonderful pictures. So you leave in two and a half weeks! Yayy!
It's on my calendar and I'll be watching your trip! I just love that little Flynn ;)
Fantastic! Oh my gosh! This is all going to happen SO soon! I can't wait! Hooray!
thank you for your kind comment.
I love your pic. You are right its beautiful. SO glad you are almost on your way to your sweet girl. It feels so good to have the travel all set.
Beautiful news and a beautiful shot!
oh, i've been wondeirng what brand of camera you use, so i am very eager to see ALL of your photos withe the new lens!
so glad that everything is coming together!
HURRAH - a confirmed day for take-off!!!!! It's all falling into place....I may need your advice on medical team as we get closer to our referral
July 22! Yeah! So happy for you all!
Oh, doesn't it feel so good to have all the arrangements made?! I wish I was going to be here when you guys get back -- I'd pick you up at the airport if I were. But I'll be on the east coast visiting the in-laws. Blech.
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