We are such *huge* dorks.
Fortunately we're very happy together, here in dorkville.
We celebrated V-day on Wednesday, partly because all the restaurants are too crowded on "the day", partly because Wednesday was Mike's day off, and partly because it was 65 degrees and sunny out that day, and how can you not celebrate a day like THAT in the middle of unforgiving February?

We went for a run around the lake, rode our cruisers around the neighborhood, had hotdogs on the back porch, and then went out for Lomo Saltado and Chimichurri steak at a local South American restaurant for dinner. I got WAY too many presents and felt spoiled rotten. My gifts paled in comparison to Mike's triumphant offerings. I got some 'splainin to do.
Forget the "splaning....just put on some sexy lingerie tonight and surprise him with a romantic evening!
I got my Mike...nuttin. I'm pretty sure he got me nuttin too!
Although we did promise each other a nice dinner in Hong Kong.
Your day sounded romantic and wonderful...I expected no less.
Welcome to Dorksville... it seems Mike and I live in it too... hehe
well we didn't doanything for V day-well Aaron cooked the dinner and I am praying he does the dishes?
Boy It is hard to remember those days of no kids but it is so worth having them!
might I add...you guys pretty
Happy Valentine's/ Sounds like it was a fun celebration. I hate crowded restaurants too...
jesus god if the two of you looked any happier or were any cuter I would have to impale my eyes with a fork...
You two are my favorite couple. You can tell how much you two love each other and how much fun you have together.
I hope I one day find Geek Love again! It's the best...
Happy belated Vday :)
I'm glad you had a great V-day!
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day together! I got nothing from Mario, but a beautiful construction paper heart with candy hearts glued all over it from Sydney!
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