So, this week is my "birthday week" (we keep it pretty loose since we're both very busy at the moment and our free hours are few and far between), and the first present I was allowed to open was: ta-da!!!! ...a Hello Kitty Wafflemaker.
The really weird part about this is that a few weeks ago M (who had been coming in with mysterious packages on a daily basis for several weeks) waltzed in from a T*rget foray, hinting coyly that one of my birthday presents just might be in the bag. "Oh?" I said casually, looking up from my work, "Did you get me a Hello Kitty wafflemaker or something?"
Now, this was a totally glib and off-the-cuff comment. I mean, who expects to get a Hello Kitty wafflemaker for their birthday? I thought I was just making a joke.
To his credit he (after an internal struggle) managed to keep his face muscles under control and prevent his jaw from hitting the floor, and the secret remained intact.
Now, generally, we don't eat waffles and pancakes. But we've always said that when Flynn came around, we would start the tradition up again. In my house, growing up, my mom made either waffles or pancakes every Sunday, come heck or high water. My mother was of the organic persuasion, and preferred her foods unbleached, so, pancakes or waffles, they were always buckwheat.
Mike remembered, and picked up a package of buckwheat mix, along with some real Vermont maple syrup for his Eastern-born wife.
The first round was a bit of an's been years since either of us has laid hands on a wafflemaker.
But Mike's a quick study and before long...perfect kitties (and bunnies. and bears.)
I made short work of them. Buckwheat and real maple syrup? You won't see a crumb left over on my plate.
Oh, and this was my second birthday present. For lunch yesterday Mike took me to the very cool newer branch of the Tattered Cover bookstore, built inside what used to be an old theater stage on Colfax. The attached restaurant is an excellent bistro called, I think, Encore. Incredible food. At any rate, the first thing we noticed were the s+p dispensers - hefty and space-age, they looked like something out of a futuristic cooking laboratory (they grind a perfect single serving of fresh salt/pepper when you depress the syringe-like top). We were instantly smitten. The restaurant sold them on request, but they were quite expensive, and Mike felt sure we could find them cheaper at an upscale cooking store. After driving all the way to Westminster, we finally found them at a housewares boutique...for exactly the same price as at the restaurant.
Oh well. At least we have them. And you can bet we're gonna be seasoning fools from here on out!
Happy birthday to you , Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear M Happy birthday to you!!
Happy B'day!
Watch out, Piper may mug you for the waffle maker!
The S&P grinders are awesome...I am always looking for the right ones, but shy away from the price...too scarey.
I hazard a guess that you aren't '29 again' but embrace your well earned years like a fab bottle of cab sav!
Nifty gifties for the fab birthday gal!!
Keep smilin!
Well happy birthday to you and your mom ( well she did "birth you on this day" :)
It looks like you off to a great start!
Yum real maple syrup
Wow, what a cool way to start your *new* year off! We LOVE Hello Kitty around here.. my girls are just my excuse to buy cute Hello Kitty stuff every chance I get :)
We had waffles tonight, too! It was more of a desperate attempt on my part as a last minute dinner, but everyone loved it!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday!!! And birthday hugs and squishes!
Oh man! My kiddos would love to have kitty waffles. :) We have the coordinating kitty stir crazy popcorn popper from Tarjay. :)
Happy Bday Mama to be.
We have an extended family gift swap and I bought that Hello Kitty waffle maker! It was battled over!
I am a big waffle maker for my kids - I can sneak in flax meal, ground walnuts, oats & soymilk without any of them being the wiser!
Happy birthday week!
We get jugs of the Wisconsin maple stuff from A's brother and uncle who still make it every year (they have acres of maples). Those are some serious looking grinders!
Happy Birthday! The waffles look yummy! BTW- my Claire turned 2 on the 21st! Do you guys share a birthday?
Happy Birthday... hope you had a great one... just love your waffle maker... so cute... take care
Well, Happy Birthday. I got the Hello Kitty toaster for my b-day and it is my most favorite thing. How fun you have the waffle maker.
Happy Birthday, pretty girl!!! I got the Hello Kitty waffle maker like you and a Hello Kitty coffee maker too for my husband for Valentine's last year. He has not let me live it down. He says that I got that gift for myself. What man would want a Hello Kitty anything? Well, I thought, a man very secure in his masculinity. He was not convinced.
Love those salt and pepper grinders!!!
Nothing better than Maple Syrup. Yum-yum.
I have that Waffle Maker. I got it for my birthday back in December. I love it.
Big sis to Reese
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