My lovely sister-in-law C. , who is pregnant with...hopefully we will soon know whether girl or boy so we can start preparing ourselves for our next niece or nephew, due in summer!
And here's a recent shot of her two sweeties, H & I, in case you didn't get enough of them over the holidays!
...it's really an embarrassment of riches, isn't it?
I will admit... I truly LOVE being an Aunty... I just wish they weren't all so far away... I have 4 nephews in the States ranging from 10 to 32yrs... the 15yr old lives not far from here. One is a HS teacher in MD, and the 10 and 32 yr old live in NC... I wish they were nearer... that is why Shauna is much wanted in this family... it is all boys... well, except for my Great Niece Carmie who is 3 - how did I get onto all this??? Take care
Ah.. an "embarrassment of riches"... I like how you said that.
And we are all blessed to have these riches in our lives!
kids are great-I wish I had my own niece or nephew! My bro doesn't have kids-been trying for 5 years no luck-Aaron has nieces and nephews but we don't see them. not very close to them-no fighting just don't have much to do with them-sad really!
I have only one niece. She is far away, so I seldom get to see her. My best friend's daughter, whom I consider my niece is near, so she gets all of the love, attention and adoration that I have in my auntie heart.
I. looks JUST like my friend's little girl Sarae. I mean like twins alike.
Flynn will have little cousins to look forward to visits from growing up! Wew lived away from family too, but its amazing how quickly little ones pick up exactly where they left off.
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