My mother's art.

This is my mother inside one of the Indian dwelling caves at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. This is my favorite picture because she looks so happy, and because this setting really typifies her. M. calls her "the Indiana Jones of moms", and he's absolutely pegged it, because she is nothing if not an adventurous spirit and a world-traveler.

My mother is an accomplished fly-fisherman (her casting technique is so fine that it has actually been used in demonstration videos), an award-winning wildlife artists, and just a strong, real, honest, independent, loving human being with a big heart. I can only hope one day to emulate her as a mother - she's taught me everything I know about motherhood, and about what a relationship between a mother and daughter can be. I know that I'm not guaranteed to have the kind of relationship with Flynn as I had with my mother - that's setting the bar pretty high - but you can't blame me for hoping!

Oh, and she's also a terrific rider with a talent for dressage and a lifelong love of all things equine.
Riding is just one of the many things that my mother and I have shared in the past four decades. She and I were joined at the hip from the get-go. We just had an accord, an inner kinship which (with the exception of a couple of pubescent years...to my great shame) has never faltered. We read to eachother, took roadtrips together, hiked and rode horesback together - she even went to art school at Yale while I was going to college in central Connecticut, so that we could meet at little crabshacks by the shore of a weekend, or browse the bookstores in New Haven...We have been fortunate to have a close relationship always.

I've included this picture because this was at the end of one of our trips to the Grand Canyon together, and you can see from her face what a wonderful time we had. We have been lucky enough to collaborate on a series of mother/daughter shows at venues like Woodstock's Fletcher Gallery and the Kiesendahl + Calhoun Gallery in Beacon, NY. This gave is the opportunity (OK, so that was the whole idea, actually!) to go on several road trips together to the Colorado Plateau. As you can imagine, it was a real trial ;)
That, in a nutshell, is Flynn's LaoLao...isn't she going to be a lucky girl?
What an incredible person your mom is! That is such a blessing to have a wonderful relationship with your mom. And your other half is as amazing as you are.
You guys are so impressive with your talents and amour de la vie. I cannot wait to see Flynn with her amazing family!
You are so fortunate Maia. Two people who truly understand and support each other. I love that she is called the Indiana Jones Mom. It fits her to a T. From your readings she is the kind of person you just want to hang around forever.
Grandma Indiana Jones is going to be an awesome role model!
Flynn is a very lucky girl.
You are so very lucky to have experienced such a strong and loving relationship with your mom. The bond is unbreakable. You too will share that with your daughter some day.
Your man sounds like a true stud! Flynn will indeed be a lucky girl to have such an amaxing LaoLao. BTW- my girls call my mom "laolao." Claire, my little Mandarin speaker, started it while we were in China and it stuck!
I am sure that Flynn will have just as many greats times and adventures with you like you did with your mum...
You went to Jackson Hole? Mike wants to go here...
Your mother is an icon. She is so overthetop interesting and skilled. That painting is magnificent.
I have to tell you though I'm saddened I no longer have access to Flynn site :(
I'm always in the 'out crowd'.
I don't know what it was in this that brought tears to my eyes... but the love you have for her is amazing to me, and I think often rare. Relationships with parents are often the most difficult in life- how incredible that your mom is truly your friend, your mentor...
Love the photos. Love reading about her. Wish I could meet you both :O)
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