Could I possibly be more spoiled? Just when I thought my birthday celebration week was over, M. comes home on a work break with a box of...drummroll...cupcakes! There's a new bakery in Highland Square called Happy Cakes which trades exclusively in designer cupcakes for special occasions.
Just look at that! Rich cream cheese icing infused with scents like lime, orange water and liqueurs of various persuasions. I can't remember all the names, but the best were "Cosmo" and "Jack & Coke".
At every birthday and holiday for the past year we have bought something for Flynn. This time, it was this handmade olivewood bowl - part of my ongoing (and sometimes futile) struggle to reduce the number of plastics in our household. The spoon was a gift from M's parents upon their return from Africa. The fewer toxins that enter my child's tender mouth, the happier I will be!
This was quite possibly my favorite present of all. M. likes to order curiosities from Asia that he finds in his internet perambulations. This one is, I suppose, a meditation "cheat-sheet" - because he knows that I crave meditation, although I have yet to find the time to properly learn. This little box contains twelve Buddhist chants which can be changed with the flick of a button. Meanwhile the lights swirl rhythmically behind the icon, creating the most alarmingly mesmeric effect. I'm just afraid that if M. were to walk in the room while I'm "meditating", I might be in such a suggestible state that he could convince me to cluck like a chicken every time he says "kalamazoo" for the next ten years.
Here I've placed it on my painting table, where it sooths me without actually putting me in danger of being hypnotized ;)
To rewind a little, we topped off our Butterfly Pavilion day on Wednesday with a trip (as per my one special request) the the amazing and phantasmagorical world of Casa Bonita. Those of you who live in Denver as well as those of you who are fans of South Park will know what I'm talking about, wink-wink.
This room looks like the inside of a cupcake.
The grottos.
Casa Bonita claims to be the most exciting restaurant in the world.
And extravagant as that claim may seem, I can't really disagree with them, even though it is categorically the worst food this side of the Rio Grande.
Here's M. onstage in the cabaret room.
Well, that's how he rolls.
And of course, no birthday is complete without my sidekick and companion, the wonderful, worrisome and neurotic Sam. He shares a birthday with me, since he doesn't have one of his own.
Love the birthday chronicles! Many blessings to you in the upcoming year! Happy Birthday my blogging friend!
holey crap send me some of those cupcakes! YUM!
The cupcakes look incredible...but I think my favorite is the spoon and plate set for Flynn, very cute!
As for that restaurant, it looks...gaudy. Too bad the food is horrible, would be fun to throw a costume/dinner party there!
Love the meditation hypno thing, it might be something you can also share with Flynn...small kids like looking at those kind of things!
And thank you, thank you for the updates on Kerri's portrait...I posted them on our blog, they are so very beautiful! Have a great weekend!
Harrison has decided that we havea very busy trip the next time we are out...:) He exclaimed..."It's CASA NITA!!!!" Well and I thought the cupcakes had already sent him over edge...but he has planned it! The story time place with big ants, cupcakes, and casa nita...I have to stop letting him read he'll just want to move in with you!!! xoxo love! Glad your birthday was a blast!!!
Love South Park, know what you mean. Maia, those cupcakes are to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a sweet and caring husband you have. Honestly, he is the whole package. I wish you all the best, now and always. I know this year you will get to meet Flynn. It is a very exciting time in your life. Enjoy!!!
Happy, happy birthday... sorry I missed it... I was away for a few days... those cupcakes look delicious... hope it was a great one for you... you can never be to spoilt... take care
Now I have "Casa Bonita, Casa Bonita" rolling around in my head! We may have to road trip to Colorado and take the boys to Casa Bonita. They would freak.
That cupcake does not have Coco Puffs on t does it? Because if it did that would be the yummiest creation EVER.
Life is so good when you're spoiled by the one you love :O)
Cream cheese frosting... my mouth is seriously watering. I hope you had a wonderful birthday week!
You got some good stuff this year. Olive wood is gorgeous and the Buddha chant box is priceless! The cupcakes look seriously yummy.
Loving the blog! Don't have time to chat as much as I would like, but would love to find out where Mike got your meditation thingamajigger... need something fun and new in our lives! Thanks!
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