OK, so remember when I was tagged to tell a number of weird or quirky things about myself? And I thought that there weren’t any left to tell?
Well, I have since thought of a few, and...why not. So here you go:
- My very straight teeth are 100% orthodonture-free, and here’s why: When I was in third grade, my new front teeth were very, very crooked. I was not only bucktoothed, but at least one of my front teeth came in basically sideways! I didn’t like to smile because kids on the playground would make gruesome faces to imitate my snaggletoothed grin.
I desperately wanted braces, but my parents were reluctant. We were living in Taos, NM at the time, and (after much begging and pleading on my part) they found me a “holistic” dentist. I was mortified. The man (who came to our house, by the way - I’m not sure he even had an office!) told me to wake up every morning and spend the first ten minutes of the day “envisioning” my teeth growing straight.
Phphphphphthhhhhh...yeah RIGHT! I scoffed.
The really embarrassing part is that it worked. My teeth did, in fact, grown straight of their own accord. Perfectly straight.
Wonders, I truly believe, will never cease.
- Also, I have never had a cavity.

- As a child, I was very into water creatures, bugs and snakes. When my parents were reluctant to order me an “ant farm”, I made one myself (there was a lot of trial and error involved. The first couple of colonies resulted in ant genocide. Tough life lessons, best learned young.) I once rescued an injured gopher (well, he lived for a while, anyway), and frequently collected field mice from the oat bins in our barn (my family was blissfully oblivious to rodent-born illnesses). I also liked to collect snakes (my parents taught me to select the nonpoisonous ones, since we had lots of rattlers in the area) and kept them in terrariums. My dad had a soft spot for tarantulas (also prevalent in our part of Colorado) and liked to scoop them off the road when they were in danger of being hit by cars. He would dodge in and out of traffic with a shovel, racing to carry a hairy spider to safety. Once, he brought one home for me inside a cardboard box of nails, and we kept it as a pet for a while before releasing it back into the wild.
- When I was little, we traveled so much that I could sleep better in a moving vehicle (plane, train, car) than I could in a bed. I loved change, and was uncomfortable with stasis. I did not like to return home from abroad. On my first night home after every transatlantic flight, I would sleep fitfully and tended to displace heavy objects (stacks of books, lamps, mattresses, piles of blankets) in my sleep. Only in the past few years have I finally come to appreciate, and even find comfort in, the concept of “home”.

- In addition to his long and storied career as an artist, my late father was also a folk singer who played casually with many of the prominent Woodstock-area folk musicians of the ‘60s. Shortly after I was born, my mother inadvertently introduced him to Bob Dylan, who at the time was the boyfriend of her best friend’s Greenwich Village roommate, Joan Baez. My mother lived to regret that particular introduction (late-night jam sessions in our livingroom, baby asleep in the next room - you get the picture), and has been forced to retell the story ever since.

- I am a vitamin supplement junkie. I take a dozen or more different supplements every day. Whether for that reason or just good luck, I have a very solid immune system, which I jealously guard.

- Oddly enough, considering my immune system, I had cancer of the lymphatic system (Hodgkins disease) at the age of 29. It went undiagnosed for two years (although I was certain I had it) and was very advanced by the time they started treatment. My mother had the same type of cancer when I was eight or so. Up until I got it myself, cancer was my greatest fear and I’d always promised myself that if I ever turned out to have it, I would just let myself die. These are the things you think when you’re a child. As it turned out, the will to live is much stronger than any petty fear, and I immediately agreed to treatment when I was finally diagnosed. Which is lucky, since Hodgkin’s disease is very curable, as cancers go! My mom and I are both healthy as horses now.

- I love color (our kitchen is Chinese-lacquer red - a layered shade that I spent three weeks perfecting) and our bedroom a twilight blue. But for my studio, I can only work in a white room. Color in my work environment muddies my brain.

- I was first published at the age of 17. I wrote a poem (in Spanish, which is not my first language) which was picked up by a literary journal, and several years later by a romance language textbook that was published
by Tufts University. That poem has remained in the curricula of various Universities, and is still used as a teaching aid today.
I’m really not sure why.
I did not pursue poetry.

- I am almost six feet tall and have size 11 feet! Please don’t make fun of me, my feet are proportionally appropriate.
Amazing photos! What a life you have lived! Our childhoods were probably complete opposites...for me, a mouth full of cavities and only traveling to my grandma's house!
I also loved your butterfly photos! Such a beautiful way to celebrate your birthday!
I must say you are a very pretty lady-the picture of your early years are very cute-I always look at my children and wonder what they will look like, if they will keep a certain way about them(like Mya giggles all the time at everything)
I'm a size nine. Funny thing is I use to be an eight. Great pictures too.
I love the old photos. You were so serious in all of them. Where you a serious little girl? I love the vulnerability of pictures of our youth. I used to hate seeing myself in photographs as a child. I was such an ugly duckling. Now, I treasure them.
Maia can you post the poem?
Girl...I am over 6 feet tall and I have size 11 shoes also. I feel ya!
Keep smilin!
Please share the poem!!!! Pretty please, with sugar on top? I can't afford to go to that University just to hear it!
I would give Marks left nut to be tall. Unfortunately, I am vertically challenged.
I was fortunate to have a memorable childhood filled with travels and time spent with my parents too. Minus the Bob Dylan.
I am constantly amazed at the fun filled life that you have lived, and all of the great experiences that you have had!!! Totally jealous!;) xo I hope that I can supply such a wonderful environment for my kids to learn like you did!
great post. Lovely walk down memory lane :)
I am only 5 5 and have size 10! ugh. The thing is barefoot my feet don't look big people don't notice but I can't wear all the shoes you see you think oh how cute then find them in my size and they look so big and ugly!
I loved this post.... I can sense you are getting ready for Flynn....
You and your mother are very strong, talented and interesting women.
I loved these photos of your childhood. You had the childhood i fantasized about whilst lying in the middle of a wheat field in Kansas.
I would love to read the poem!
Happy belated birthday- you have a good man!!! Loved his choice of gifts.
your posts are so beautiful.
email me at shuey6@comcast.net if you want an "invite" to my new blog. I had to go underground...
Love these beautiful pics of your beautiful childhood. I so love old pictures. You'll have so many great stories to tell to Flynn...
Seems you had a nice birthday week. M did a wonderful job spoiling you!
Love the photos... wish I was cavity free... would love to travel alot more... I find when Mike and I are on the way back from a vacation we tend to 'bicker'... maybe that means I am meant to travel more... kids can be so very, very nasty... me I was called 'Fat Fliss' - yep, I put it out there for everyone to read... never said it aloud before... nowadays... I don't give a rats what people think of me cause I think that I am nice (for the most part) and I am nice enough person... take care...
You had a very interesting childhood and life. Flynn will love to hear all about your adventures one day. And the childhood pictures are priceless.
I love the little girl pictures! You do have the most interesting history. They should be great for bedtime and roadtrip stories for little Flynn!
I just knew you had it in you. There are still things yet to be revealed in all of us! I absolutely loved the pictures...simply stunning.
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