Her affection, eagerness and willingness to learn make it difficult for me to think of giving her up. She is clearly beholden to me for rescuing her (it was rather a long and dramatic rescue, so she had plenty of time to contemplate her fortune), and her devotion and intense affection are very gratifying. Still, like I said, she is not at all what we had envisioned as our next dog. We are athletic people...outdoor people. We are big-dog people. We're a bit rough around the edges. That, and I personally already have a dog who adores and dotes on me. When it comes to dogs, I am fulfilled. It's M. who lost his beloved Akita mix this past year, and I hate to saddle him with a 7-pound critter with a snub nose and marmoset whiskers who would probably wear a sweater and sleep on a cushion if you let it.
Sloan's story, part two
Her affection, eagerness and willingness to learn make it difficult for me to think of giving her up. She is clearly beholden to me for rescuing her (it was rather a long and dramatic rescue, so she had plenty of time to contemplate her fortune), and her devotion and intense affection are very gratifying. Still, like I said, she is not at all what we had envisioned as our next dog. We are athletic people...outdoor people. We are big-dog people. We're a bit rough around the edges. That, and I personally already have a dog who adores and dotes on me. When it comes to dogs, I am fulfilled. It's M. who lost his beloved Akita mix this past year, and I hate to saddle him with a 7-pound critter with a snub nose and marmoset whiskers who would probably wear a sweater and sleep on a cushion if you let it.
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She is SO darn cute!! If your "chosen" family doesn't take her...we will!!!
I still am a bit worried about her poor momma though......why are people so mean?
Oh my goodness. She is SOOO cute! I wish I was in Denver—I would be there in 20 minutes to beg for her to come live with me!
Wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now.
Sloan is SO sweet looking.
I had to share....our Daisy is a about 12-13 lbs. She is technically a "small" dog but apparently no one told Daisy that. She is small but had mass. She has weight to her and is not "breakable". She could have been like that if we had raised her that way. She runs like a maniac (even at 12 years and with a herniated disc in her back). She is the boss of all the big dogs and has a character and stubborn streak. Granted the cold and snow can be an issue at times. But she has been known to explore the snowed in backyard or park on a sunny day. Salt and ice are not fun for a dog whose belly is 3 inches off the ground.
Hubs was raised with big dogs. Still is a big dog person. I am the one who loves dachsies and can not imagine having another breed. I love my small dog cause I can cuddle her up close and hold her in my arms. I can then flip her over and play a mean game of tug o' war with her "Bobo".
Basically, what I want to say is a lot of how your dog turns out is dependant on how you raise and treat them. If you treat a small dog like a small dog, then they will be a "mignon" little creature.
I know you are very familiar with dog raising but I had to chime in on the virtues of small dogs who do not realize that they are supposed to be small and dainty.
I hope you make a decision that works best for your family and for Sloan.
I would take him as I have ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted an Ewok. I still do...I call Daisy my little Ewok. I love that he looks like an Ewok!
Keep smilin!
I think you would be surprised how fast and eager these little poochies are. I think she will be able to keep up with you hiking outdoors any day, and may even have more energy than you expected. Talking from experience here. Pookie can outrun a greyhound.
By the way, we wanted a big dog and it was supposed to be for Kerri. The pooch picked us, and he is all of 13 pounds but with the mouth and attitude of a German Shepard, or a rottie. And if you ask him, he belongs to no one, we all belong to him!
Good luck with your decision. Sometimes life surprises us with a change in direction. I know, I am no help. I secretly (ok not so secretly) want you to keep Sloan!
Oh my gosh....I see why you are conflicted. She is so completely adorable!!! (I would let her wear the sweater and sleep on the cushion! FYI!) I love that she loves the snow, rather than being afraid of it.
I think she could be a mighty mountain dog...they come in all shapes and sizes (remember Brynn's Mijha?)...plus Sam would get to be the BIG one for a change...
I always thought I was a big dog person too. But my terriers don't know they're not big. And we lived on a 57-acre ranch in the mountains, and they were the most outdoor dogs I've ever known. We've taken them hiking, camping, rafting down rapids, climbing, all over the inner-mountain west. So, don't let size stop you.
Quite a cutie!
There is a saying that we don't chose the dog, the dog chooses us.
Good luck with your decision.
He's totally adorable - and that's an amazing story. I had a six pound terrier/chihuahua mix (though sometimes I thought he was a Chinese Crested - we were never sure since he was a pound dog) for 14 years - and there are great joys in mini dogs. They usually don't know they're small and are brave beyond their size. And, at the same time, they have delicious baby like qualities (a need to be picked up, cuddled, a teeny little head that fits just right under your chin, big pleading, Keene like eyes, great snuggling abilities) without all the baby work (no diapers! You can leave them alone for long amounts of time when necessary!). I love my big dogs - but I will definitely get another little one for my pack once FF is older.
I will say, however, that toddlers and little dogs can be a tough combination for about a year or so in there - somewhere between 2-3. before any real understanding of empathy or consequences kicks in, but after she is totally mobile, QQ will probably discover that the little teeny, tiny dog will squeak and make great sounds if she is hit/pinched/hair pulled etc. Even Spike, who is the gentlest of souls, did this when he was a toddler (his weapon of choice was a toddler sized broom). And while a baby can do this to a big dog without inflicting much damage - it's much easier to really hurt a little dog. And unlike cats, they can't get away by jumping up high - so they tend to bite. It makes life hell for a while - because it's hard to keep the baby from doing it (you either need eyes in the back of your head or to keep the dog and baby entirely separate, which is a huge pain the ass)and in the meantime, it can really ruin a good dog - they start guarding and snapping and getting totally paranoid about children.
I am SURE that there are plenty of people who got through this/never had this happen with their toddlers and their mini dogs - and y'all might well be one of those families! But that's my experience with little dogs and little babies- that it wasn't fun. And it might just be something you want to add into your considerations as you ponder whether to keep him or not (and who you're going to give him to - another family with older or no kids might be the way to go).
But either way - what a great thing you did helping that puppy out! And enjoy him no matter how long you decide to keep him! He''s as cute as all get out!
You are melting my heart...I am in love with this dog.
Our family is of the "small dog" sort, and I must say, we had a toy/mini poodle that we lost too soon to a back injury that was the most incredible outdoor "big dog" type. Joey was such a tomboy that loved to play soccer, swim and go for long walks and runs. Sounds like Sloan might fit the same bill.
I love the Pinot Grigio pic next to the computer. I am enjoying a glass of merlot along with my computer time! PG has become one of my favorite "whites", but I like the heart healthy "reds" too.
I still say that Flynn would LOVE to grow up with her...
She does seem exactly like one of the family; charming, cuter than anyone can stand, extremely outdoorsy, clever, funny, adventurous, quick to recover from upsets...Wait a minute, am I describing QQ or Sloan? I can see why you're conflicted. It would be like rejecting QQ in dog form. I think I am with the majority of your followers, keep her! She is fated to be yours. Though of course I completely support you in either decision. While you ponder, a picture of the two babies together would be just lovely. : )
OK- read the whole story and i doubt there is any way in he** you can give this dog away. If you can do it kudos to you. our sammie d came to us in almost the same way.... bitterly cold, ice storm- he was very aggressive at first- i was making him a pallett on our sunporch when he suddenly jumped in my arms.... i knew then he would not be going to the animal shelter or any other home for that matter... he had chosen me.
i think little sloan just might suprize you with her physical prowess... i know sammie suprised me.
Sometimes you find exactly what you are looking for where you never expected it.
Oh that face! She's beyond cute..with character. And she does seem to fit right in, doesn't she. I can see the dilemma. Good luck with your decision.
Gin =)
OMG SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! Maia, please keep her!! I know, I sound like a child but look at that little face, she is going to bring you so much joy if you let her! It is destiny! She is not perfect or tall but trust me she is a Larkin! She is, just look at those eyes...sigh.
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