The funny thing is, I am generally the earlier riser of the two of us (not surprising since M. often works until past 11 pm). Only twice in the past year has M. gotten up before me: once on the day we got our referral call for QiuQiu, and once on the day we got our LOA call! I don't know what that means, but there it is. I guess he felt "a great disturbance in the Force"!
So, the first words I heard this morning, in my dozing state, were, "I'm sorry, this is whom?....oh, CCAI! For a minute there I thought you were a telemarketer."
At which point, much like on the day of our referral, I shot bolt upright in bed, limbs quivering, heart pounding.
Actually, I think the reason I was sleeping in was that I was dreading my dentist's appointment, at which I was to have my very first filling in my entire life! (No, I did not enjoy it, let me tell you. Not one bit.)
After the dentist, with my mouth still numb and throbbing, we skeddadled down to the CCAI offices to sign our acceptance papers! Here we are, with shaky hands, checking the box that says "YES, we accept Chu QiuQiu!"
And here we are with sweet Sarah, my fellow dog-lover and the best person we could possibly have had to help us through the ins and outs of the Waiting Child Program. I am so grateful to Sarah for the wonderful way in which she handled the entirety of our process, the difficult moments and the delightful moments alike.
Papers signed, we went for barbecue sandwiches (hungry work, this!) and then to M's parents house to spread the good cheer! Here's the new dad and the new NaiNai, who both fortuitously (and coincidentally) happened to wear red today!
We have been told to expect to travel in four to seven weeks....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We spent the entire day running around in circles like chickens with our heads cut off, and accomplishing very little. I cannot even wrap my mind around how much we have to accomplish in the next few weeks. I haven't even ordered QiuQiu's crib yet! Not to mention the paperwork and footwork...The only saving grace is that M's semester at school starts next week, so he still has time to cancel the semester. This way, he'll start school again in the fall, and in the meantime I'll have some help during this scramble. Hopefully his work will be understanding about the time off for travel (since he has never even taken a sick day, and has tons of vacay time accumulated). And if we are able to travel in July, we'll miss the Olympics AND he'll be back in time to cover the Democratic National Convention in August (which, if you work at a news station, is pretty much essential!)
I can't believe how surreal it feels to have finally crossed this much-anticipated hurdle, and to be so close!
Wish us luck!!
Fabulous news! S has been pointing to QiuQiu's photos on the bloglines for the last couple of weeks, and I tell her she is coming soon!
Watch your filters, btw-I just sent you an evite. ~lmc
I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS! This is the most wonderful news today! I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE HER!!!! I want to squeeze her! I want to squeeze you guys! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! better get movin' that TA will be here in no time!!!
Holy cow!! That is FANTASTIC news!!! To China in July, that is just around the corner! Can't WAIT to see her in your arms :)
The new pictures of her are SO lovely! She has such a serenity about her, what a beautiful little peanut she is! :)
Oh Maia, I got chills. What fantastic news! Time is going to fly now. Is there anything you need that we can help with?
YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE!!!! So happy for this news! The next weeks will fly by and the paperwork... My God, the paperwork....
Yeeepeeeee!!!! Jumping here. It's fantastic news Maia. So happy for you and Mike. Yes you'd better order this crib and start piling up things for the trip. It's going to come so fast, but I know you will do just fine.
OH HAPPY DAY!!! Oh, how exciting!!! How many days was it between? I'll run check our group stats for LOA to TA. Oh, Fun! HOW EXCITING! Moving you to the top of the list for travel! Actually I think your second now. Oh, Yeah! YEAH!!!!
Yup! Our agency's TA's have been coming about 25-30 days after LOA. We get to travel individually if desired, so some have left only days after TA (!) and others have waited to be paired with same SWI or province travel mates and have waited a couple of weeks after TA. Woo-hoo! How amazing! July. Now go buy those tickets! HOW EXCITING!!!
Maia, I am just over the moon for you guys!!!!! You will soon be in China with your precious beautiful little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the best news ever, congrats to you both.Your TA will be here before you know it, for now just get all the sleep you can, LOL.
No, really, *wink*.
I'm so happy for you all, let the countdown begin :D
I am just SO thrilled for you guys!!!!! Congrats :O)
Wow what a day! Congrats to you botha ns I can't wait to see that futie in your arms!
I am so happy for you both... was just thinking about it the other day and when you would get it, as I remember right you were wondering why you hadn't got it... see what happens... take care
fanbloodytastic news! You guys will be in China faster than you dare to think...four to seven weeks is conservative mee thinks! We went way faster...our TA came very soon after LOA! CA the next day! You guys are going to CHINA!
Oh! That's wonderful! She'll be home before you know it! Congratulations!
(And watch out - we got our TA ten days after LOA. Sometimes these things happen even faster than you think possible!).
WOW!!!! 4-7 weeks? Get packin'!!!
so very excited for you!
So happy for you!!! You will be here soon. We finalized Graeme's adoption today!!! I can't wait to follow your journey
Oh my goodness! I thought this was way off in the distance. So, so happy for you! Please let me know if there's anything we can do to help. We can't wait to meet our newest neighbor!!
good luck...I am glad I found your blog! Nice photo! I hope all goes well when your little one arrives home to you!
A BIG hip-hip-hurray from North Carolina!
Maybe, I'll send you a couple of fireflies in a celebrate the occasion...
Better get going on my welcome HOME present for QiuQiu. I'm so happy that this is really happening for you both.
This is so exciting...can't wait to follow your trip over to get her!
TA next...come on M. wake up early again SOON :)
Fantabulous!! Wonderful! I am so happy for you and look forward to maybe neeting the lovely Flynn nexr summer!
I already said this in PM, but CONGRATULATIONS! I so look forward to following your trip to China!
This is the best news. I am on hiatus but just had to check in to see the word on Flynn! I cannot believe you could travel so soon. I know you said you thought it would be sept! This gives me chills. Glad you got the gift-I was going to send an Elizabeth Mitchell cd- but saw you got one- you and flynn will love it- z's fav! I also looked for a Ramones T like z's to no avail so will pass z's down once she outgrows!!
I am so excited to follow your journey.. it is really hard to blog while there (unless you are an insomniac like me) but i hope you blog like a rock star!!!
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