Well, I manage to field these two alarming thoughts in a more or less reasonable and orderly fashion, and was able to finish my day with a minimum of anxiety. Which was nothing compared to the relief I felt when, awakened by the buzzing of my phone this morning, I rose to a message from our agency reassuring us that our I171H would be fine, and that the appropriate government offices did, in fact have our correct address.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I logged in to my emails to find a note telling us that not only did our first care package arrive in Xuzhou just fine (yes, that was another of my attacks of apprehension. I hate the post office.) but that they had new photos for us as well. These photos came with an apology saying that QiuQiu had just had a bath and was not properly dressed.
Me, I'm thrilled to see her in a towel, looking supremely happy and content! I tell you, any baby who enjoys a good bath is good news to my mind!
Just look at this cutie!

So sweet! What a smile! How wonderful that you're getting so many updates and photos!
When we first started the process, I honestly convinced myself for about a day and a half that my husband and I had forgotten to file our marriage license (thirteen years ago) and weren't legally married. The woman at the records office that I finally managed to get a hold totally laughed at me.
It's easy to get insane like that.
WHAT AN AWESOME PICTURE! I can imagine that it is easy to get crazy with all the little things that need to be done...BUT...I know you got it, you amaze me with your skills! Just know that any anxiety that you might have is all worth it and will make all your checking and double checking more prosperous! Just keep swimming...just keep swimming swimming swimming...I sing it all the time...:) LOVE!!!
Such a sweet girl. Nothing beats the way your kiddo smells right out of the bath:)
I was a freak about the paperwork at home and in China. I was sure that we would forget something. I checked and double checked everything again the night before we left. Sooo much stress. The good news is that it simply dissolves once that precious girl is placed in your arms!
Got your thank you....loved the card:)
Breathe! Then listen to some Louis Armstrong singing "What a wonderful world". And stare at pictures of your daughter.
Love the new picture, Flynn certainly is a happy girl, and has the pink and green thing going on!
I agree with Chrissie, just keep swimming!
Gorgeous and such a happy girl.
Flynn's eyes tell it all, windows to the soul, truly beautiful.
I am so happy for you.
That picture just MADE MY DAY!!
She is so dreamy and such a happy soul. It comes through the computer screen. She is one of those babies that immediately makes you smile. Like my Cael.
You are double checking and your husband is double checking. Everything will be just fine, you will get everything done and you will arrive well prepared to China.
It is better that you are this way. You don't want to be like me, in happy airheaded bliss who forgot to pack you know what and had to rush to buy it once she landed.
I am sure everything will be fine. It always is.
QiuQiu is so lovely, she looks full of energy!
Breathe Maia... easier said then done but you aren't going to do anyone any good being a bundle of nerves... then you get those updated photos of Flynn after her bath looking sweet and fresh... now that would calm the nerves right there... hugs to ya...
That's the best picture yet! I'm so glad you get updates. They kept me going while I was waiting too!
I love this photo! Look at that smile lighting up her face. I adore people who smile with their whole face. And I absolutely prefer the un-done-up baby pictures vs. the usual prepared for the Arctic ones.
That smile makes my eyes and heart well up - so amazed to see a little girl who has been given so little until now has so much to give. She must know and sense good things are coming her way, I'm just convinced she will greet you guys with that big smile and give you hearty hugs...she and Gus will be almost exactly the same age...
I can emphatize about the document anxiety...still feel the INS marathon in my bones whenever I see the words "visa application"...remember that? You were right there...plus I just found out that my marriage certificate has a mistake on it and I'm legally Geraldine Haldner Haldner...funny huh?
PS: My washer is awesome and did cost the equivalent of my car (maybe) but we got a good deal on it and it will hopefully make the money back within 3 years of use...
Love you and think of you lots
She is a precious soul. I can't wait for you to go get that girl. Breathe deeply, make lists, sleep well.
she looks like she knows something that we don't an is quite happy in that knowledge!
What a ray of sunlight.
As for the stressy anxious moments...NORMAL! I had bouts of anxiety right up until the day we got Paisley.
It will all be fine, Miss Flynn will be in your arms very soon!
and for that we are eager to see!
that smile is so endearing. she is a gem!
Look at that smile! She always looks SO happy. She's going to bring so much joy into your house.
Sweet, sweet, sweet! What a grin. I know you can't wait to hold her :D
Just a completely sweet picture. I'm sure you can't wait to get your hands on her! I love it!
That smile! Your girl is simply gorgeous....
I love all of her smiles! And look at those amazingly long toes!She's beautiful.
Congratulations on the updated photos! Love her toes! They are just really really cute! Hugs, Trena
funny word verification: qiqubda (qui qui buda???)
What a smile. I can see she has quite the personality! You are so lucky to keep getting these wonderful pictures of your gorgeous little angel. Wow.
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