Still more gifts keep arriving on our doorstep for miss QiuQiu. Yesterday we received two packets of gorgeous bibs (made by Angel Ana Designs - beautiful fabrics and soft chenille backs) from Lisa M. , who remembered that we were going to need a lot of bibs! These are going to be her "dress-up bibs" since they're almost too beautiful to soil!
We also received this beautiful knit sweater and hat set from Lisa E. , who is currently in China and has just picked up her absolutely stunning daughter, Emme. Also in the package was another gorgeous bib with Asian prints on it which I have somehow left out of this photo.
Gosh, it's good to have such stylish friends!! I am overcoome with beauty!
After my gigantic housecleaning, I spent a couple of hours last night making a preliminary selection of clothes to take to China for Flynn QiuQiu. Really, it was just an excuse to go through her gorgeous (and almost entirely handed-down or gifted) wardrobe and touch everything one more time!
Yep, she is one loved and spoilt princess... but this is a good thing...
Awwwww....somehow I think your daughter will be even more lavished when she finally meets her loving parents!
Any idea when you expect to travel?
Oh god, yes - that was a totally fun moment- pulling out the clothes and deciding what I would take with us for her to wear in China. I actually laid out the outfits on the floors - like down the socks and shoes - (and I never would do this for myself). And even more fun - thinking about the very FIRST outfit I was ever going to put on her! Little dark pink velvet overalls with soft cotton orange plaid lining, and leaves and flowers embroidered on the bib and cuffs. She wore them for about twenty minutes before she got sick and had to be re-dressed.
There was something really magical about it all - imagining her little body filling in the clothes. It was a tangible connection when she was still so far away! I still love getting FF dressed!
What a lucky lady you are-a cutie and what wonderful friends you have. Now I can't wait to see her using all this stuff! and in the wonderful room you made over for her!
what kind friends you have! you must buy thank-you cards in bulk!
She is already very loved. Once she gets home, I can only imagine. Those are lovely gifts and your presentation is wonderful.
What wonderful gifts Maia!
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