We met up with our friend Jena (the one who took those beautiful photos of me and Q at the birthday party, and the aunt of Q's best buddy, Esme) the other day for coffee in the heart of Denver's Santa Fe gallery district (Santa Fe being a street, in these parts. Not to be confused with the city in NM, though the colors are not dissimilar). Jena has been spending time there studying for her next round of architecture exams. She was kind enough to make some time for us while on a study break from her massive texts.

M. and I took a screen printing class near here our first season in Denver, back when QQ was just a twinkle in our eyes, as they say. Back when we were still at liberty to do frivolous things like taking art classes for fun. Not that we have even a single regret.

QQ seemed to very much enjoy Jena's company, now that she has ditched that pesky baseball cap she likes to wear. While QQ has negotiated an uneasy truce with many forms of "hat", there are two types that remain in her no-fly zone: baseball, and fur. The evilest of those being baseball.

Playing peek-a-boo through a coffee sleeve.

QQ is always willing to forgive and forget when it comes to those who have worn hats in her presence in the past. Just so long as they repent their evil ways.
I am glad you still have time to meet up with good friends for coffee :o)
How lovely to have spent time with old friends.
get that child a piano woman! Look at those fingers!
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