So...I've decided it's time to change my format and start collaging a bit more. That way I can fit two or three photos into each stored image. From now on, if you want to see the picture close-up, you'll have to click on it.

*******This is insane!!!!************
I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous. It would have been normal at our old home in Vail, sure. Totally normal...at 8,500 feet. We wouldn't have batted an eye at a storm like this in mid-April in ski country. But here in mild, flower-strewn Denver? Madness!!!!
We've already lost our famous "cherry blossom season" after which our Cherry Creek was named (they're actually crabapples, hence the gorgeous deep-pink of our annual bloom) to late snows and bitter temps, and now we're going to lose the tulips and daffodils as well. People, I just planted four bags of new bulbs last fall!! I want to cry. I am on official protest as of now!)
Ahem, as I was saying...the weather has been nice, and QQ and I have been spending a lot of time at the parks. QQ is currently obsessed with slides, stairs and ladders. She can scale the metal stairs on a play structure faster than you can say "emergency room", which scares the crap outta me....although I have to admit to being an eensy bit proud of my Danger Mouse!

footnote: Let me just say that it's interesting that QQ is the exact opposite of my childhood-self. I was shy, introverted, and unwilling to make eye contact with strangers. I preferred the inner life, while QQ chooses social interaction at every opportunity. She will always wander away from a game or activity in order to meet and greet a newcomer. I find this curiously refreshing and delightful!

Do I detect a haircut on little miss Q? Or did I miss that post? Monica
Monica, you are very astute! I trimmed (or attempted to trim) about a quarter-inch off the very back of QQ's hair about two weeks ago. She was growing a mullet - and a mullet looks pretty funny when you have duck-fuzz baby hair. She seemed like she was going to comply for about the first twenty seconds, and then she got manic on me. So, it's not perfect by any stretch, but it really cleaned up the back of her neck. It made all the difference, to my eye.
She looks adorable in her beautiful clothes and hat. I was not a social child, detested anyone invading my space.Would be very territorial. I have turned around as an adult to the point that I do not even recognize that aspect of myself. My kids are social with Mr.Man being the biggest ham machine.
So what new haircuts do you envision for the Q as she gets older? Will you let her hair grow to her waist or will you give her a pixie cut? She has such a lovely face.
I like the collages. I need to figure out how to do that. And I just saw your forecast for the storm on the morning news. My sympathies. Hopefully it will all disappear fast.
Maia, can you tell me how to make those collages??
BB is similar in social situations and I like you were. It is nice to be with a little one so socially comfortable. I'm still shy and BB is a great in. How do they do it?
QQ and Micah look adorable together!
Love the monkey we have one too!
god what i'd give for even an ounce of this child's SPIRIT!! we all need some dosing of Flynn in some measure, don't we? i am so glad you continue to share her with us here Maia. I am not often on the computer anymore, but when i come into bloglines to see "25 posts" from you, I sit down and am READY (yes, it's that long between visits and you are a voracious uploader!). By the way... you ARE considering passing along some of these most adorable outfits for future little E's, right? Ha. God she is cute.
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